Which ITR to file for salary in Thaltej?
For salary ITR 1 is required to be filed in Thaltej if total income is below Rs.50 lakhs and total income includes income from other source.
How to file an ITR in Thaltej?
ITR can be filed be logging on to Income tax department portal in Thaltej.
Will I get refund If I file ITR in Thaltej?
You may get income tax refund if you file ITR in Thaltej, if you have paid extra tax you will get refund after filing ITR.
Is ITR window open in Thaltej?
ITR window is generally open till 31st July of relevant assessment year , however it may get extended by IT department by notifications. But still Updated return can be filed after ITR window is closed.
Should I file my itr in Thaltej if my income is 3 lakhs?
As per current income tax laws, an individual below age of 60 is required to file ITR in Thaltej if gross total income exceeds Rs.2.5 lakh in a financial year.