How can I create a company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad?
You can create a company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad by following steps:
1) You need a minimum two directors out of which one should be resident compulsorily.
2) Minimum two shareholders are required and maximum 200 shareholders.
3) You need a registered place of business.
4) Stamp duty need to be paid for formation of company.
Why is company formation in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad important?
The main advantage of formation of company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India is to protect from unlimited liability to personal assets. As in company there is limited liability.
How many days it take for company formation in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad?
It usually takes 15 to 20 working days for company formation in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad.
Who needs a statutory audit in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad?
Every company register with registrar of companies must get their accounts audited by CA Audit firm in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad, India irrespective of their nature of business or turnover.
What is minimum capital required to form a Pvt Ltd Company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad?
Minimum authorized capital required to form a Pvt Ltd Company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad is Rs.1 lakh.
What is minimum requirements to form a company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad?
Minimum requirement to form a company in Prahladnagar , Ahmedabad is to have a Pan number issued by Income Tax department in India.